How to do working Prisma code completion for WebStorm?

Setup tips for Webstorm / Intelij

How to do working Prisma code completion for WebStorm?
Photo by University of Washington Libraries / Unsplash

Are you using Prisma or a Prisma framework (like Blitz)?
Are you using WebStorm?

I love Prisma because it is type-safe.
However, for some reason, my WebStorm did not listen to me.
There is no code completion.
That’s strange because VSCode is listening to me.

Where’s the schema I defined?

How to do?

.prisma folder -> Mark Directory as -> Cancel Exclusion

Yes, the reason is that you are excluding the node_modules distribution.

Let’s remove the definition file generated by Prisma, `.prisma’, from the exclusion. It works.

Success code completion
Yeah, I see Prisma’s schema.
Can look at the schema I’ve defined!

Now, let’s enjoy a comfortable Prisma life!